Quick Hit:  Proverbs 28:9

 “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.”

Can you imagine asking God to bless you in robbing a bank?  Would you think of praying to ask Him to help you in stealing from your employer?

It seems ridiculous, but so often we ask God to bless us and help us when we at the same time are ignoring His instruction and teaching.  God not only came to save us from death, but He came to give us a new life, an abundant life.  The Bible is full of instruction about how to live a truly prosperous and successful life.  However, many Christians miss out and remained enslaved to bad ways of thinking because of turning from His law.

Many ignore God’s teaching, instruction, commandments and principles because they have erroneously been taught that God came to do away with the law.  Certainly God sent His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for us that we could be saved by grace and not by works.  No one can earn salvation.  That is true.  However, Jesus did not come to save us from obeying God’s law, He came to save us from sin – which the Bible defines as the breaking of God’s law.

The Hebrew word for law is “torah” and it is better understood in English as “instruction” as opposed to the word “law”.  The Word of God, the Bible, is God’s instruction to us about how to live.  Yet so many miss out on the real abundant life because we have been taught that the law, that is, the instruction of God, has been done away.  That is not true.

Do you want to know how to have a happy marriage?  Do you want to know how to seek and find God?  Do you want to know how to raise your children?  Do you want to know how to be successful in relationships with your friends, your enemies, your neighbors, your employer or employees?  Do you want to know how to have financial freedom and how to be successful in your business?  It is all in the Bible.

Knowing Jesus not just as Savior, but as Lord, means that we regard Him as ruler in our lives.  As a perfect, humble and loving ruler, Jesus has given us the Bible so that we can know the instruction of God, so that we can know the Way to live our lives.  What really empowers our prayers and hopes, our plans and dreams is when we submit them all to the instruction already given us in God’s Word.  May our prayers never be as an abomination to God.  Love His Word.  Live by His Word and know the freedom of life in Jesus Christ.

- Written by David Liesenfelt  Copyright © 2005